Volunteer documents

Before applying we strongly encourage you to visit the Volunteer With Us page which contains a wealth of information that will help you prepare for your trip. Many of the pages are available as Word documents, and it's a good idea to print the documents and bring them with you as the information they contain will help you find your way around and adapt more quickly once you are here.

When you are ready to apply, please download the forms on this page, complete them, and send them to the Project Manager by email: janakadesilva1@hotmail.com

There is no fee required to make an application.

Please download the form, complete it and send it to us. The form must be accompanied by a scanned copy of the information page of your passport - we need this to apply for permission to allow you to work with children.

On arrival at the Volunteer Accommodation in Galle, Sri Lanka, volunteers are required to show the Project Manager their Travel and Medical Insurance Certificate. Volunteers are not accepted if they do not have Travel and Medical Insurance that is in date to the end of their time at the project and in their name.

In case of accident of emergency, Volunteer Sri Lanka Project needs to have the contact names and addresses of your next of kin. Please provide several contacts in case some are unavailable. Please download the form, complete it and send it to us.

This document is for you to complete at the end of your placement to give feedback. It will enable us to ensure that we provide the best service for our volunteers. You can either download it and take it with you to give to Janaka before you leave or complete it when you return home and email it to him. Please note the document's opening sentence.